Pricing: $200 CAD
Pitch Raising
Your piano performs best at a specific tension in the strings. When strings expand or contract beyond this specific tension, the pitch needs adjusting. This is particularly critical when pianos perform with other instruments, which are tuned to the same pitch standard.
When is a pitch raise needed?
I recommend a pitch raise if your standard pitch has dropped below 15 to 20 cents. Most musicians would prefer it tuned before it gets that low. Pitch raising is more expensive than tuning, so it is more economical to have your piano tuned regularly instead of an expensive pitch raise plus tuning. Regular tuning doesn’t just make your piano sound good; it prevents problems from emerging.
Why a pitch raise?
Pianos that lose their pitch and are never adjusted lose value, can compromise your own ear training, and can permanently damage the sound quality of the piano. Even if your piano has remained unplayed for years, it’s pitch can still change. It’s wood and strings expand and contract with seasonal changes of temperature, humidity, and air pressure. If it’s been a long time since your last piano tuning, you may need a pitch raise.
Why a pitch raise is necessary
Without a pitch raise, tuning a piano increases the tension of any strings that are already tuned, causing them to want to revert to their previous pitch. A pitch raise prevents this.
As mentioned earlier, tuning to a pitch lower than the international standard can lower your piano’s value and affect your ear training. Plus, pianos that drop in pitch do so unevenly, requiring tension adjustment on every string, which results in an unstable tuning. Piano strings lose pitch at varying rates, so even though some strings may seem fine, it doesn’t mean all of them are. A pitch raise brings the piano to the proper pitch first so I can then focus on fine tuning.
If your piano is old and it hasn’t been adjust for a long time, tuning it to the standard pitch may break some strings. After I examine your piano, I can tell you if repeated tunings will correct the piano or if your piano should be restrung or even rebuilt.